
Comical Commercial

Ja, das ist guten funny.

Really funny Berlitz Commercial, Funny Commercial - Google Video


Math Meets Music

Man, pythagoras would have loved this website:

pi10k - Converting the first 10,000 digits of pi into a musical sequence

Best part is it let's you pick any 10 (western) notes to represent the digits 0-9, so pi could be >10! ( greater than ten factorial?) different compositions without regard to octave or repeated notes.


The Writing Life, or Everyone's a Critic(ally undereducated oaf)

First off, the examples definitely are not "analogies," so the 'author' of the page is either an idiot or making a bad joke badly. Most of the examples are similies.

Secondly, more than half of them are not bad (or worse or worst,) but quite good. If you're not a ridiculously rule-bound high school English teacher. E.e.g. " The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't." I think that's clever, though I'd say 'drifted gently.'

"From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and 'Jeopardy' comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30." I think that's fantastic. I'm sorry that kid's teacher was such a Militant Grammarian that she/he couldn't accept a joke. But then that's life, at least in American public schools it is.

The Worst Analogies Ever Written in a High School Essay

On the other hand, if they were supposed to be analogies, then they're all terrible. And on the third hand (we live near a nuclear plant,) maybe my liking them means that I am in fact 'the idiot.' Which is fine with me, I'd be proud to be the inspiration for Dostoevsky's great novel.


Cheap visual joke, well executed

August 30, 2004 - 9:19 PM - tribe.net


Fun & Educational

The easiest and coolest flight sim on the web, using google maps.

GogglesBeta09.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)


Insert Tab MC into Escher mc

See It Now

Life of Pi

Have a slice of Pi:

See It Now

As Apu said: "The last digit is one."


Dancing For the Lazy

Funny Video:

Hedonistica - Pleasure Yourself


Virtual Dominoes, not Pizza

Okay, someone with even more time on their hands than me set up a 3 minute domino chain in one of my favorite video games, oblivion. It took me 85 hours to win the game, and I am sure it took at least that long, probably longer, to set this up:

Table of Malcontents

They had to collect all those books and chairs and swords and desks and crystal balls and then drop them in exactly the right place, which to do just once is tough, forget about this layout. Maybe it was a Bethesda (the co that made the game,) programmer and there was some cheating involved, but still...


This is pretty fun:

It's like a group art project that's never over. As you are moving tiles around, anyone else on the site is moving tiles on the same board you are.



Eric the half-a-bee

Today's Special: All the eric smiths the internet has to offer, in one handy location:

The World Wide Web Eric Smith Page


And away we go

Hey everyone! You've just stumbled upon Best O' The Web, and this is our first post!

Here you'll find daily or semi daily links to the web's best humor, art, resources, and more.

And remember, it's your web, too. If you like what you see (or even if you don't,) then send us your favorite sites and maybe you'll see them here (although, if it's your favorite site you've probably already seen it.)

Here are some good ones to get us started (Note that future links will be one to a post, so the title will give some idea what the link is about:)

1) The Barbershop Horse-tet. (click on the horses in different combos.)

2) The Sounds of History.

3) The USS Lincoln almost invades Canada. by mistake.

4) The Swarm. A visual representation of what people are looking at on the internet right now (kid-safe until you tell it not to be.)

5) Today's Front Pages. Exactly what it sounds like. Hundreds from here, and a few dozen biggies from around the world, always up to date.

6) Famous Last Words. A database of same. Fictional and historical kept separate.

7) What's Special About This Number? May be of more interest to math weenies than general readers.

Okay, that's plenty to get us started. Send in those links, people, or this blog could be a very short experiment indeed.

My Inner Hero - Wizard!

I'm a Wizard!

There are many types of magic, but all require a sharp mind and a cool head. There is no puzzle I can't solve, no problem I can't think my way out of. When you feel confused or uncertain, you can always rely on me to untangle the knots and put everything back in order for you.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero.